Projectsouls4soles is registered under the laws of England and Wales with registration number 9929739.
It is also registered at the Corporate affairs Commission (CAC) Abuja, Nigeria as Souls-for-Soles. The charity was set up primarily to address issues ranging from child poverty, family health, gender inequality and most importantly to implement strategies to achieve the sustainable development goals set out by the UN.
While we agree that poverty is a global scourge and that every part of the globe has its fair share of its own kind of poverty:
It is however important to point out that no other continent has witnessed poverty and its accompanying myriad problems like the African continent.
Our resolve to tackle these issues has led us into partnership with individuals, organisations and even other charities that share our thirst, our passion to see the much needed positive change in the standard of living especially among children in some of the most deprived communities in Nigeria, and in the long term Africa
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